Infrastructure for industrial development: instruments for material research through academia-industry collaboration
Date and time
Tuesday, 8 December 2020 14:00 - 17:00
Online meeting
Meeting ID: 686 8449 5393
Password: No password
Industry must be encouraged to use research infrastructure more, and one way is to ensure that information about research infrastructure is made available. Industrial companies need clear information about the instruments available in universities, the type of materials challenges each instrument is appropriate for, and how to gain access to each instrument.
On 8 December, Big Science Sweden and the ÅMA Ångström Materials Academy will be holding a seminar on research infrastructure for industrial development. Representatives from selected research infrastructures and industrial companies are invited to share information and discuss the potential of different instruments, including how they can be used in technical development.
14:00 Welcome and introduction
14.05 Centre for Photon Science and Centre for Neutron Scattering: Adrian Rennie and Martin Sahlberg
14.25 Myfab: Stefan Nygren
14.45 X-ray Laboratory: Mikael Ottosson
15:05 Break
15:15 FREIA Laboratory: Tord Ekelöf
15:35 Tandem laboratory: Daniel Primetzhofer
15.55 Summary and conclusion
16.15-17:00 One-to-one meetings.
Event organisers
Big Science Sweden – the official Swedish Industrial Liaison Office (ILO), putting big research facilities around the world in touch with Swedish suppliers.
Ångström Materials Academy (ÅMA) at Uppsala University – a platform for collaboration between Uppsala University and industrial companies for research and development in material sciences.
Contact: Anna Franzén and Ernesto Gutiérrez, UU Innovation, Fredrik Engelmark Big Science Sweden