BigScience@RISE • Defining Areas of Strength for RISE in Big Science

BigScience@RISE • Defining Areas of Strength for RISE in Big Science

Tuesday, 17 November 2020 09:00 - 13:30

Meeting ID: 932 0570 2448

Password: 307362

This promises to be a day filled with inspiration, networking, and ecosystem building, involving the research community at RISE, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Uppsala University, ESS, MAX IV, and ITER. The theme will be Defining Areas of Strength for RISE in Big Science.

The focus will be on the current and future involvement of RISE in upstream delivery to Big Science facilities. Discussion topics will include:

  • RISE’s track record in boosting Big Science
  • RISE’s main strengths
  • Areas in which RISE wants to develop over the next ten years


09:00 Big Science Anna Hultin Stigenberg, RISE

09:05 Sverige AB and Big Science – Margareta Groth, VINNOVA

09:20 The role of RISE in the Big Science ecosystem – Anna Hultin Stigenberg, RISE

  • LSRI (Large Scale Infrastructure) – Tomas Lundqvist, RISE
  • Big Science Sweden in RISE – Anne Norén, RISE

09:40 Break

09:55 Big Science Sweden – Supplying research facilities – Anna Hall, Director Big Science Sweden

  • Objectives, goals, and organisation, a high-tech market worth SEK billions, the role of RISE, and opportunities for Swedish high-tech companies

10:10 ITER Fusion Facility – Stefan Wikman, F4E, Fusion for Energy

  • ITER/F4E, EUROFusion and DONES, and opportunities and challenges

10:30 Big Science together with academia – Margareta Andersson, Uppsala University

10:45 Break

10:50 Presentation of identified opportunities for RISE – Håkan Nilsson, RISE

11:00 Summary and the way forward for RISE in Big ScienceAnna Hultin Stigenberg, RISE

  • Expectations ahead of the afternoon’s workshop, the need for coordination and a cohesive business area similar to that of the Danish Technical Institute in Denmark

11:20 Introduction to the workshop – Sven-Christian Ebenhag, RISE

11:30 Lunch

12:30-13:30 Workshop: identified opportunities, how to find more opportunities, and building networks – Sven-Christian Ebenhag, RISE

  • Mapping of skills and expertise, and areas of expertise
  • Mapping of resources
  • Networks for sharing experiences and generating business
  • Supplementary areas, such as business development, consortium building, project management, and quality management