Focused Technical Workshop: Carbon Fibre

Focused Technical Workshop: Carbon Fibre

Thursday, 29 April 2021 08:30 - 10:30

Meeting ID: 972 4697 3302

Password: 452577

One of the great challenges at many facilities is to build stable frames in material that is both light and strong. On Thursday, 29 April 2021, you have the chance to learn about the facilities’ needs for carbon fibre and composite structures.

Technical experts from both ESS and CERN will be giving us an insight about the technical details in upcoming procurements. 


8.30-8.50 • Welcome and Introduction

8.50-9.00 • BiSS – ”Sweden – A Big Science nation”

9.00-9.20 • Jorge Maestre Heredia, CERN – ”An overview of the use and R&D of low density carbon based materials studies at CERN in the framework of Beam Intercepting Devices”

9.20-9.40 • Nikolaos Tsapatsaris, ESS – “Application of high strength, lightweight materials on Neutron Choppers: high rotational speed neutron beam absorbers.”

9.40-10.00 • Jorge Guardia Valenzuela, CERN – Mechanical and materials engineering “Carbon-based composites for beam intercepting devices at CERN”

10.00-10.30 • Discussion and 1-to-1 meetings

Book your 1-to-1 meetings

By contacting Fredrik Engelmark, Business Developer at Big Science Sweden.