RI.Logistica conference

RI.Logistica conference

Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 09:00 - Tuesday, 20 April 2021, 15:30 (Google calendar) (ICS)

Be part of an unparalleled international forum that will impact how research infrastructures deal with logistics in the future.

Organised by ESS and BrightnESS-2  •  This is an online event designed for research infrastructures (RIs), their users and collaborators, companies in the supply chain management, and governmental authorities to discuss all aspects of logistics critical for research facilities and laboratories. 

Whether you are a user office manager who coordinates the remote access of scientists, a professional working at a logistics company, a user of different RIs, an RI service provider, or staff responsible for the handling of deliveries at a research infrastructure, RI.Logistica is for you.

You can check the programme and register on the event website here.