12 December 2020
Big Science Sweden Award
- Influencer Research Facility: Jerome Pierlot, CERN
- Influencer Industry: Carl Johan Fagerström, Fagerström Industrikonsult
- Influencer University: Anders J Johansson, Lund University
- Influencer Newcomer: Sofia Davidsson, Qtech Group
The Director, Anna Hall, awarded the prizes at the Big Science Sweden Conference 2020.
Jérôme Pierlot, CERN
Big Science Sweden Influencer: Research Facility • By sharing his in-depth knowledge with pedagogical skill, this person also inspires curiosity about the Big Science world. He is always prepared to collaborate with the Big Science ecosystem by giving presentations, educating, and connecting people. Jérôme Pierlot has been a key figure in developing long-term relationships between Swedish industry, academia, and CERN. Thank you, Jérôme!

Carl Johan Fagerström, Fagerström Industrikonsult
Big Science Sweden Influencer: Industry • With expertise, integrity and a focus on quality and sustainable business, this person is not only an important influencer, but also a leader and a doer, in the Big Science ecosystem. He and his team have a long-term business partnership with ESS, they have taken on important contracts for ESO, and are now looking to contribute their skills and expertise to other facilities. We hope that more Swedish companies will follow Carl Johan Fagerström’s lead in exploring Big Science technology and business. Thank you, Carl Johan!

Anders J Johansson, Lund University
Big Science Sweden Influencer: University • University With enthusiasm and determination, this person plays a key role in developing Big Science in Sweden. He and his team have contributed important parts of the accelerator control system for ESS, and he has shown great flexibility and readiness to help solve the problems of others – which is really needed when building complex facilities. With pedagogical skill and patience, Anders Johansson shares his expertise, and has become a champion for EPICS and MicroTCA in Sweden, enabling others in both academia and industry to contribute. Please continue this fine work. Thank you, Anders!

Sofia Davidsson, Qtech Group AB
Big Science Sweden Influencer: Newcomer • Operating in a company with the courage to acknowledge Big Science as a new market segment, this person has showed great professionalism, enthusiasm, and a determined business focus. She is always ready to take on new challenges and is never afraid of new areas and technical complexity. Her company already supplies some of the research facilities, and is always looking to involve other Småland companies in the local ecosystem of manufacturing SMEs. We hope that more Swedish companies will follow Sofia Davidsson’s lead in exploring Big Science Business. Thank you, Sofia!