26 November 2020
Big Science Sweden Conference 2020
Thank you to all 245 delegates, from 14 countries, who joined us in building the Big Science ecosystem. This year’s conference proved to be an intensive day, with reports from eight research facilities, discussions in nine breakout sessions in various areas of technology, and no fewer than 34 speakers and 179 1-to-1 meetings. During the breaks, participants looked round the virtual exhibition, including video pitches from 18 member companies showing their offers to the research facilities.
For presentations and videos, go here

Big Science Sweden Award
The Big Science Sweden Award is given in four categories to individuals showing particular engagement in helping to build Sweden as a Big Science nation and in driving Big Science Technology. This year, the award-winners are:
Influencer Research Facility. Jerome Pierlot, CERN
Influencer University: Anders J Johansson, Lund University
Influencer Industry: Carl Johan Fagerström, Fagerström Industrikonsult
Influencer Newcomer Sofia Davidsson, Qtech Group