5 April 2022

Big Science Sweden team visits ESS and MAX IV

To get a true impression of the scale and scope of Big Science research facilities, they are best experienced on site. Big Science Sweden has recently been given a guided tour of both ESS and MAX IV.

ESS is rapidly developing from a construction site into a recognisable scientific facility nearing completion, with operations planned to start in 2027. The striking complex is growing in Brunnshög, in north-western Lund. The Big Science Sweden team put on safety equipment and was shown round the ‘core’ of the facility, which will not be possible once ESS is up and running.

MAX IV was opened in 2016. just a stone’s throw from ESS. Professor Sverker Werin gave us a detailed presentation of the research conducted at the facility, and we were able to look in on the experimental stations.

Thanks to Pia Kinhult, Mats Lindros and Andrew Jackson at ESS and Sverker Werin at MAX IV for looking after us!