1 December 2022

Industry must also be given access to ESS and MAX IV

In an article in the journal Curie (22 November 2022), several big names in Swedish research circles raise an important issue for debate regarding ESS and MAX IV - that the facilities should be opened up to a wider range of users.

A new report highlights the importance of broadening the use of ESS and MAX IV into new research fields and to researchers and groupings outside academia. This would increase companies’ competitiveness, improve quality in healthcare, and help resolve many societal challenges.

Putting their names to the article were Joakim Amorim, Research Programmes Manager at the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), Pia Kinhult, Head of Host States Relations at ESS and Project Manager for Spirit, Jan-Eric Sundgren, Senior Advisor for the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, and Lars Börjesson, Professor at Chalmers University of Technology and Swedish delegate in the ESS Council.

The article (in Swedish) can be read here

Report: ”Diversity in use broadens the benefits of ESS, 2022”

How should access to research infrastructures be designed to enable both the very best research and Sweden’s and Europe’s opportunities to help tackle the global societal challenges and improve competitiveness? This issue was examined in the report, “Diversity in use broadens the benefits of ESS”. The report was written by a working group within the Council of the Office for ESS and MAX IV.

The report is available in English and Swedish, download here.