3 November 2020

Information Day on Nuclear Doors (TB20) for ITER, 5 November, 2020

ITER is one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today. Fusion for Energy (F4E) is arranging an Information Day about some key components in the ITER Tokamak Complex - the nuclear doors.

This virtual event will be providing information about the special nuclear doors used in the ITER Tokamak Complex. This will be the world's largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion device designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy.


If you are interested in participating in this virtual event, send an email to the following mailbox: tenders-operational-SB.PS@f4e.europa.eu with a copy to Rodia.tsitsikli@f4e.europa.eu.
F4E will then send an email containing details of how to connect to the virtual meeting.