Advanced Resource Connector Soft- ware for ATLAS and LHC computing
Project description
ATLAS is the biggest instrument at the biggest machine on Earth, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is 46 meters long and weighs 7000 tonnes, working like a huge camera, taking very detailed “pictures” of particle collisions. With a spacial resolution of microns, the raw size of one “picture” is 1.6 Mbytes, and with data taking rates of Megahertzs, it collects several Petabytes of raw data a year. The challenge is to store this data, process it to create samples ready for analysis, and to make it available to physicists around
the world in real-time. No single supercomputer exists meet this challenge, so the solution is to use the global network of supercomputers, for which our team develops software.
Lund University:
Oxana Smirnova, Doctor, team leader, specialist in scientific computing
Balazs Konya, Doctor, specialist in distributing computing
Florido Paganelli, systems expert, computer scientist
Core deliverables
Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) software
Industry involvement
Industry involvement in the distributed computing project comes indirectly, through high-performance computing and storage hardware, and partially through open source software.
Total budget
- Lund University
- Uppsala University
- University of Oslo
- University of Copenhagen
- Jozef Stefan Institut
- University of Bern
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv