Development of the RILIS/ LARIS-ISOLDE laboratories at CERN

Coordinating university or institute

Lund University,



Project description

Today ISOLDE is a major CERN installation with a user community of about 300 researchers from 80 institutions in 21countries. The scientific program is broad and includes experiments in low-energy nuclear physics, nuclear solid-state physics, atomic-and molecular physics, nuclear astrophysics, particle physics and nuclear medicine. The research program focuses on further development of the RILIS (Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source)-ISOLDE ionization laboratory. The RILIS-ISOLDE facility produces radioactive isotopes using the Isotope Separator On Line (ISOL) technique whereby a driver beam impinges upon a fixed target. The reaction products are ionized, extracted and then mass separated during their flight towards the experimental setup. On account of its high efficiency, speed and unmatched selectivity, the preferred method for ionizing the nuclear reaction products at the ISOLDE on-line isotope separator facility. By exploiting the unique electronic energy level fingerprint of a chosen element, the RILIS process of laser step-wise resonance ionization enables an ion beam of high chemical purity to be sent through the mass selective separator magnet. The isobaric purity of a beam of a chosen isotope is therefore greatly increased. We developed the RILIS facility further to a "state-of-the-art" system together with the newly developed pre-RILIS laboratory in order to make a reliable, ion producing CERN facility for the ISOLDE community.




Lund University:

  • Joakim Cederkäll, Professor, Nuclear physics, Faculty of science, Department of physics
  • Claes Falander, Professor, Nuclear physics, Faculty of science, Department of physics

Core deliverables

Electronic energy level “fingerprinting”
RILIS (Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source)

Total budget

EUR 200,000

Procurement codes

Particle and photon detectors
Optics and photonics

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