EUROfusion DIVERTOR work package, ITER
Project description
The divertor is an area of a fusion reactor, where impurities and waste material are removed from the plasma while the reactor is still operating. This allows control over the buildup of fusion products in the fuel and removes impurities in the plasma originating from the vessel lining. The divertor is a geometrically complex design, where the pieces are water-cooled and surface materials are exposed to severe environmental and thermal conditions.
The EUROfusion work package Divertor (WP-DIV) integrates the design and technology R&D of power exhaust solutions for the divertor regions and limiters of the existing devices Wendelstein 7-X stellarator and JT-60SA Tokamak, as well as the future devices I-DTT and DEMO. The RISE mechanical laboratory in Borås will contribute with mechanical testing of materials and components for the divertor designs.
The department of mechanics at RISE is a team of researchers and skilled engineers in solid mechanics with expertise in fracture mechanics, computational material mechanics, fatigue and structural dynamics. Together with skilled personnel in our accredited mechanics laboratory, they serve the needs of both industry clients and publicly funded research projects. In the present project, experts in other parts of RISE contribute special competence in microscopic characterization, fractography and measurement of thermal properties.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Ola Widlund, PhD, Senior researcher, Unit director, Mechanical reliability
- Johan Sandström, PhD, senior researcher, Structural and solid mechanics, Mechanical reliability
- Pooya Tabib, PhD, researcher, Mechanical reliability
Core deliverables
- Mechanical testing
- Material analysis
- Material properties
Total budget
- RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- CEA, Cadarache and Mines St Etienne
- Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (MPG-IPP)