Coordinating university or institute
MAX IV, DESY, CERN, XFELProject description
The Helmholtz-Lund International graduate School (HELIOS) on "Intelligent instrumentation for exploring matter at different time and length scales" connects major knowledge hubs in the Baltic Sea Region: Hamburg University, DESY, and Lund University. HELIOS started in early 2021 and includes scientists from Particle Physics, Molecular Physics, Nano(bio) Science, and Ultrafast Photon Science. The aim of HELIOS is to develop the instrumentation and data acquisition systems for the next generation of photon sources and particle accelerators, in collaboration with industrial partners that we will seek within Big Science Sweden. HELIOS also aims to connect with the Hanseatic League of Science (HALOS) project for life sciences, to enhance use of the unique research centers in the area (MAX IV, ESS, DESY and XFEL).
Lund University
- Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Associate professor, Physics
- Caterina Doglioni, Associate professor, Physics, Particle physics
- Anders Mikkelsen, Professor, Physics, NanoLund
Core deliverables
Individual projects investigate novel solutions for (e.g.):
- Real-time data acquisition and analysis
- Image processing techniques
- Feedback control loops
- On chips miniaturization using nanotechnology for biosensing
Total budget
University of Hamburg