Laser Heaters
Project description
The European XFEL is the world’s largest and most brilliant free electron laser. It is located at DESY, Hamburg, Germany and produces high intensity x-ray light pulses used for various state of the art synchrotron light investigations. It consist of a 3,4 km long electron accelerator utilizing magnet structures for light creation. XFEL is used an enormous microscope. To overcome potential problems with the distributions of the electrons travelling in bunches a laser heater was implemented. The laser heater is Sweden’s largest in-kind contribution into the XFEL project.
Uppsala University
- Mathias Hamberg, Researcher, Department of Physics and Astronomy, FREIA
- Frank Brinker
- Christopher Gerth
- Evgeny Schneidmiller
- Lutz Winkelmann
Core deliverables
- Ultra high vacuum (UHV) electron vacuum chambers, with extreme tolerances regarding magnetic permeability, surface roughness, oxide thickness layering and copper coating.
- Laser transport vacuum system (~40 m).
- Laser routing and stabilization system with micrometer precision
- PLC control systems
- Undulator magnet.
- Design of system.
- Installation of setup
- Commissioning
- Improvements and tests
Industry involvement
- TEM Messtechnik GmBH
- FMB Berlin
- Pfeiffer Vacuum
- Newport optics
- Thorlabs
- Altechna
- Owis
- Smaract
- Beckhoff
- Edstraco
- Sala Bly
Total budget
EUR 1 million
Procurement codes
Information technology
Civil engineering, building and technical services
Electrical Engineering and magnets
Electronics and radio frequency
Mechanical Engineering and raw materials
Vacuum and low temperature
Particle and photon detectors
Optics and photonics
Gases, chemicals, waste collection and radiation equipment
Health, safety and environment
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