Testing of the ESS superconducting Spoke cavity Prototype
Project description
ESS is an accelerator-driven neutron spallation source, which will use spoke cavities in its superconducting linac. Since this type of cavity is new and the study of its performance is still ongoing, it becomes the key challenge of the whole project. The testing of the double-spoke prototype cavity for the ESS project at high power has been conceded to Uppsala University, Sweden. The qualification of the prototype cavity, involving a superconducting spoke cavity, a fundamental power coupler, cryogenic system, LLRF system and RF station, represents an important verification before the module assembly. The study of the test configuration, RF conditioning history and first high power performance of this cavity provides an important input for ESS.
Uppsala University:
- Han Li, Researcher RF and accelerator systems
- Rolf Wedberg, researcher high power RF system
- Rocio Santiago-kern, Engineer researcher cryogenic system
- Tor Lofnes, Engineer LLRF system
Core deliverables
- Test stand design and building up
- Test method and algorithm design
- Data acquisition and control software development
- Coupler RF conditioning
- RF test in high vacuum and cryogenic system
- Data analysis
- Test result report