November 27, 2023 Big Science at Skånes Industridag Our member companies Fagerström Industrikonsult, RFR Solutions and Examec recently participated in the IUC Syd industrial conference, Skånes…
November 26, 2023 International research facilities improve specialist expertise and skills in Sweden In recent years, Sweden has strengthened its role as an important Big Science nation. Swedish industry benefits in a number of ways when uni…
November 17, 2023 Big Science Sweden announces new Chair Björn Ekelund, Corporate Research Director at the Ericsson Group, will be taking over as Chair of the Big Science Sweden Steering Committee…
October 31, 2023 A warm welcome to Annie Ringvall Moberg, new member of the Big Science Sweden team Annie has a PhD in Physics from the University of Gothenburg, but began her postgraduate studies with 3½ years as a doctoral student at CERN…
October 24, 2023 Big Science Sweden interview in Dagens industri An article in Dagens industri highlights the enormous business potential of the Big Science market for Swedish high-tech companies. Swedish…
October 23, 2023 New approach needed in Swedish research policy An opinion piece signed by representatives of Lund and Uppsala universities and ESS was recently published in the Uppsala Nya Tidning newspa…
October 10, 2023 Catarina Sahlberg new Chair of the FAIR Council Catarina Sahlberg, Programme Director at Big Science Sweden, has been appointed Chair of the Council of FAIR, the Facility for Antiproton an…
October 5, 2023 Big Science Sweden visits Swerim in Luleå In September, Adam Wikström and Fredrik Engelmark from Big Science Sweden visited the metals research institute Swerim in Luleå. The guided…
October 3, 2023 Nobel Prize to Lund – Congratulations Anne L’Huillier and Lund University! Anne L’Huillier, Professor in Atomic Physics at Lund University, is one of three recipients of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics. Big Scien…
September 21, 2023 New ITER contract will create openings for Swedish industry A Swedish collaboration has been commissioned to develop power converters for the ITER experimental fusion reactor in France. “The work we’r…
September 13, 2023 Big Science Sweden team gets a glimpse into space The Big Science Sweden team recently gathered at the Onsala Space Observatory to discuss and draw up strategies for the busy autumn ahead. A…
September 11, 2023 Check out: How to Register and Submit Bids (BiSS Lathund) Have complicated procurement procedures ever put you off bidding for contracts from Big Science research organisations? We have just what yo…
September 8, 2023 Qamcom wins first Swedish contract in SKAO project Our member company Qamcom has been awarded the first Swedish industrial contract by SKAO – the Square Kilometre Array Observatory. This is a…
August 30, 2023 New window on the universe – Sweden involved in world’s most advanced radio telescope An international research group at the giant ALMA telescope, located on the Chajnantor Plateau in Chile, has made the first measurements wit…
August 29, 2023 Constructive visit to MAX IV A team from Big Science Sweden (BiSS) recently visited the MAX IV research facility in Lund. Discussion topics included how BiSS can work mo…